Daily Success
Daily Success is a program designed to help individuals and families develop and maintain the spiritual discipline of Scripture meditation.
Because the key to loving God and others is found in the commands of Christ, this program focuses on one command each week. A series of 343 daily e-mails are sent for 49 weeks that provide instruction and encouragement to continue meditating on Scripture.
What Is Scripture Meditation?
Meditation is first and foremost a living, growing relationship with our heavenly Father through the transforming power of His Word.
What Are the Commands of Christ?
The Daily Success program focuses on the verses that contain 49 general commands of Christ because they express the whole message of Scripture.
How Do You Define Success?
When we hear the word success, we usually think of money, fame, or power. Yet, many of the most successful men and women in history had none of these things.
How Does the Daily Success Program Work?
Daily Success is a program designed to help individuals develop and maintain the spiritual discipline of Scripture meditation.